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Post - stebobibo

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Deckstats Feedback / Re: suggestions
« il: Febbraio 15, 2020, 02:11:06 am »
Thank you for all your feedback! Two of these (selecting entire sections and showing the name instead of the Your Deck heading) are actually things that are going to get added to the deckbuilder as soon as I finish testing my most recent batch of changes. Your other suggestions sound useful as well, so I will keep them all in mind for future updated.
Thanks for reading and considering my suggestions! Glad to hear you are working on those two already! A few more quick suggestions I thought of:

On the deck editing page, an ability to collapse all subsections of the main deck (with one click).

Collection Magager. You know how you have that filter button for the card database? That feature would be just as (if not more) useful on the right side of the screen (the "your collection" zone) as well. Right now it's really hard to "audit" one's own collection to see if it's accurate and correct it, because you can't sort it by set. I know you have the "set" pages, but often cards don't show up there that you have (I think this has to do with the set pages only recognizing a specific collector number for each card, whereas often cards get added to ur collection with no collection number or a different one)

On that same collection magager screen, on the "your collection" part, would be nice to have a columns option (perhaps with same options as the card database side), as well as the options of enabling/disabling the columns you already have on that side. For me, the only columns I use on that side are the name and set, so I would disable lng,cond,foil, and pin. That would leave lots of room for having columns of mana, type, and price. Also, a "rarity" column would be very handy as I (and I presume many others) sort my paper collection partially by rarity.

On the "details" page of the deck, buttons for collapsing/expanding the different subsections (like "main","sideboard", "creature", "red", depending on what view you have selected). Just would make it easier to navigate that page, especially in very large decks with lots of sections.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: suggestions
« il: Febbraio 10, 2020, 06:26:03 pm »
Thanks, Nils, for taking the time to respond! I did not know about that trick with ctrl for selecting one column. Thanks a lot for sharing that with me!  :) I have a few more suggestions to share.

In the deck builder page, an ability to select all the cards in one section (main, side, custom section, or maybeboard), with one click. You could put a checkmark button (maybe saying beside it, something like, "select whole section") at the top of the section that does this.

In the details page, I like how you can view the price of cards in your main deck. Extending this function to sideboard would be just as useful. You have the total price listed but no option for individual cards. By the way, what source is this total price from (tcg player, card kingdom etc)? It would also be useful for users to know where the total price is from. You could simply put text beside it, or on a mouse hover over.

Also to do with prices, being able to see a list of your maybeboard with prices would be handy as well. I often keep cards in my maybeboard that I'm thinking of buying for the deck to test out, but don't have room in the main. So it would be handy to know the price, as I could easily sort out too expensive cards. One solution for this would be to have a price column (or the option to enable/disable a column) in the "Your Deck" section of the deck editing screen. Another solution would to have this information on the details screen, but you currently don't have maybeboard on this screen, so this would be more work to implement. Anyways, I prefer it on the deck editing page because it allows you to easily remove the cards that are too expensive. Also having this price column in the editing page removes the need for sideboard prices in the details page (which I was asking for in previous paragraph), so you kill two birds with one stone (side and maybe prices).

In the card editor screen, there is actually nowhere where it says the decks name. It would be easy to fit this in. The place I would put it (because it would use already empty real estate, is where it says "Your Deck (main:60/sideboard:15)". Instead of the words "your deck", could be the deck name. Or it could be right beside that as there is lots of room. Having the deck name shown helps cut out user confusion, especially when they made a copy of a deck (it's good to be reassured what deck ur working on).

Another feature that would be nice to have is the ability to make subsections within the maybeboard (just like you can in the mainboard). My maybeboard often gets large, and since there is no way to organize it, going back through it to see what cards should go into the main can be difficult and time consuming. So being able to make subsections would be really handy, and fix this problem.

On the compare decks page, it would be handy to have a directory of all your decks posted on that page. So you can easily select one of your other decks to compare with. Because right now it is a bit of a chore to have to open another tab, find and open that deck, copy its url, then paste it.

With the starting hand tool, adding even more buttons (at least 1, but 2 would be great) that either shade the card another colour or remove the card entirely (i prefer shading). This way you can simulate, and easily keep track of, multiple zones in a game of magic, and therefore make it easier to test how a deck plays out. Because currently you're only really able to keep track of cards played. And things get confusing when trying to simulate "look at the top x cards of your deck" effects, mill effects, creatures dying, discarding cards, etc, because we currently only have two "zones" to work with (hand and one other)

Thanks, Nils, for providing this wonderful website to the community! Hoping this feedback helps!

Deckstats Feedback / Re: suggestions
« il: Febbraio 10, 2020, 03:18:12 am »
I found what might be a bug.
When you go to settings and "columns to show when viewing a deck", the system won't let you deselect the last item. You can deselect it and visually you will see no checkmark, but when you refresh the page the checkmark of the last deselected item has returned, and that is reflected in the deck viewing screen (that column is there).

It would be nice to be able to deselect all columns apart for name (including if you have in collection, which currently there is no option for this column). That way, you can easily copy  to your clipboard all card names of specific types (like enchantment, creature, etc), or rarity, colour, etc. I was wanting to do this to be able to make my own organized decklist for a commander deck (I wanted it all on one page, which is impossible with the print decklist tool).

Deckstats Feedback / Re: suggestions
« il: Febbraio 09, 2020, 05:47:41 pm »
Thanks a lot Nils for reading and taking the time to reply to my post! Great to hear about the things you are working on.

I would still strongly argue in favour of deselecting cards after moving, even with having a move button. Because you'll still want to use the checkboxes for moving multiple items to the same spot, and my reasons stated in the last post still apply just as much. What I would do is deselect them after clicking move, but not deselect them after clicking edit (so if one wants to edit, then move, they can)

I did not know about clicking the amount, thanks so much for informing me, that will save a lot of time! That does indeed reduce the need for a minus button.

Deckstats Feedback / small suggestions
« il: Febbraio 06, 2020, 03:34:31 am »
This is my first post. Is this the proper thread  for giving feedback? I'll first start out by thanking you for creating such a great website! It's the best one I've found, I use it all the time. I'm giving constructive criticism so you can hopefully make the site even better! ;D

I miss the "move to sideboard" button in the deck builder, which has recently been removed. The way you made it now, you have to click the checkbox, click move, then click sideboard. 3 clicks on different spaces on the screen. It's quite a chore now. And the alternative of dragging isn't always a good answer either. For one it moves you to sideboard (so u have to now scroll back up again edit mainboard), also, it can be a long scroll down if ur deck has lots of 1 ofs, u have lots of subsections, etc. Therefore, I recommend bringing back the buttons "move to sideboard" and "move to mainboard"(from sideboard). Also, on a similar note, I recommend adding an additional button for moving to maybeboard. This has been a function I've always wanted, as it always took forever to individually drag cards to the maybeboard (especially if coming from main since it's the farthest).

Something I really don't like about the new checkbox system is that after you move selected cards, it doesn't de-select them. Think about it, why would you want to ever move a card twice in a row? Only if you change your mind. Therefore, the default should be that it automatically de-selects them after you move them. Because now, with the current system, it is very time consuming to move cards to different places, and very easy to make mistakes (because of forgetting that the last cards moved are still selected)

Another thing I would like to see is a minus button. You have the plus button, but why not the minus? It makes it very tedious when removing some but not all of a card from your deck, because you have to first click the edit card button, delete the number, enter a new number (or click arrows), and then click update. So instead of 1 click to remove 1 card, I'm clicking 3.

Another thing, one of my biggest recommendations, is the ability to save while staying on the deck editor screen. I want to save my deck during editing often so I don't accidentally lose my changes. But I don't want to have to leave the page and come back constantly, it's time consuming, annoying, and unnecessary. Simply add a "save" button next to the "analyze", and "analyze and save" button.

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