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General Magic /
« em: Fevereiro 12, 2017, 05:14:12 am »
I just want to draw attention to this marvelous site. I found it in a forum here, somebody just nonchalantly linked the website many, many months ago and it's truly wonderful to have a place to brew and playtest, particularly since I'm not able to play paper magic nearly as often as I'd like :)

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Tibalt, Our Lord and Savior! V3
« em: Fevereiro 09, 2017, 04:04:29 am »
Thanks for the suggestions! I do have a couple Kolaghan's command, and my buddy who doesnt play magic somehow has two.. he's always broke so I think he'll give em to me for cheap ;)

I DID today just realize that monastery swiftspear is a LOT cheaper than I thought it was! Replaced the bomat couriers with them- I'm sad to see the couriers go, but seeing as I very rarely have less than two prowess procs each turn, swiftspears are testing out VERY nicely indeed :)

Deck Reviews / [Pauper] Delver Madness!
« em: Fevereiro 08, 2017, 12:17:29 am »
Delver Madness!

This is one of my most control-ish pauper madness decks, between counters, bouncing, and straight up burn. Merfolk Looter is incredible- it doesn't get better than draw/discard! Delver of Secrets applies heavy early pressure, and madness-casting bloodmad vampire on your opponent's EoT when the field is clear makes for some heavy hits indeed. Trickster Mage and Waterfront Bouncer sideboarded for additional control-esque options.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Tibalt, Our Lord and Savior! V3
« em: Fevereiro 08, 2017, 12:08:12 am »
Thanks Kouri! I'll give it a shot :) Any suggestions for sideboard utility?

Deck Reviews / Re: [Frontier] Manifested Win
« em: Fevereiro 08, 2017, 12:05:49 am »
You might consider Temur Sabertooth to give you solid creature that can also bounce manifested noncreatures back to your hand(that gives you an indestructible creature to boot), I've used it to great effect in manifest decks in the past! Whisperwood Elemental is also a great card to capitalize on manifest- paired with a reliable bounce mechanic, it equals pure card advantage, and will help get through your deck quicker.

Deck Reviews / [Modern] Tibalt, Our Lord and Savior! V3
« em: Fevereiro 06, 2017, 02:10:11 am »
Tibalt, Our Lord and Savior! V3

Version three! So today I added Bomat Courier to the deck- my gripe with the deck in the past has always been that my t1 options are limited(unless I have lingering souls or demigod of revenge to toss to faithless looting which is peachy), unless I want to gamble on a burning inquiry without madness land open, but this fills that nicely! Also, its activated ability has been EXCELLENT in testing- having a madness outlet for the entire hand is truly wonderful(as evidenced by Bedlam Reveler) and, like bedlam reveler, this gives cards back- a MINIMUM of one, but in testing, I've gotten multiple cards back several times :) Ol' Tibs approves, and I think it deserves a permanent slot in the deck!

Any suggestions? I didn't even know Bomat Courier existed until today!

Also, sideboard suggestions would be amazing- I such at sideboarding. I've got Rakdos Charms, and Big Game Hunters to replace/complement Dark Withering depending on my opponent's creature composition. Some kind of cheap token wipe would be beneficial I think.

Deck Reviews / [Modern] SEVERE Drawback Masochism!
« em: Janeiro 11, 2017, 03:54:43 am »
SEVERE Drawback Masochism!

This deck is all about taking the cards with such horrific drawbacks that most folks won't touch em with a ten foot pole.. and making them work :) Not for competitive play, and really requires mulling til you have a heartless summoning, but extremely fun nonetheless!

With heartless summoning, Myr Superions are cast free, and T3 can typically be spend casting either bloodgift demon for 3mana, or a combination of a 4drop demon with a sin prodder or dusk urchins. Shah of Naar Isle is EXTREMELY satisfying to play, pay the echo cost the next turn, and then plot down Sire of Insanity to take away the extra card draw :) Targeting your opponent with Bloodgift Demon with Sire out is another fun shenanigany play!

Any advice would be appreciated, I brewed this quite a long time ago but just revisited it and made some hefty changes- it will always be a shits and giggles deck, as most of mine are, but any ideas would be appreciated :)

Deck Reviews / [Modern] Tibalt in the Ice!
« em: Janeiro 06, 2017, 10:43:23 pm »
Tibalt in the Ice!

So this is a throwback to my original RB Tibalt deck (

But, this one is RU instead of RU, and follows a Thing in the Ice philosophy :)

Worked insanely well in the first match I've played with it! But as always, Tibalt giveth and Tibalt taketh away and nothing's ever a guarantee when he's involved, so more testing will be required to get a feel for its workability ;) Tibalt will forever be a casual deck, however!

Input/criticism/ideas appreciated!

Deck Reviews / [Modern] Hellbent!!
« em: Dezembro 26, 2016, 05:27:29 am »

Input appreciated! This is my (budgetable) attempt at Hellbent- I've made a couple halfhearted attempts before but this one, I think, flows much better. Dread Slag and Gathan Raiders (which helps achieve hellbent) are the heavy hitters here, while Jagged Poppet and Rakdos Augermage help to achieve hellbent and control your opponent's hand at the same time(rakdos augermage being especially nasty when your own hand is empty), Duress for removing your opponent's removal and Seal of fire to bide its time without needing to stay in your hand- I've used it on Poppet in a couple games after no blockers were declared to surprise-hellbent myself and discard my opponent's hand. It's also an amazing card to bide its time until you draw Rakdos, Lord of Riots.

Updates with eldritch moon- Bloodhall priest is an insanely good hellbent card, with a free shock on each attack/entry that lines up/stacks nicely with seals and megaliths. Stromkirk Occultist is a way to work your way into card-draw WITHOUT losing hellbent/risk getting caught with cards you can't afford to cost, as cards go into exile rather than into your hand! Addes bonus, both cards have madness :)

Deck Reviews / [Modern] Tibalt, Our Lord and Savior! Updated
« em: Dezembro 22, 2016, 10:59:05 pm »
Tibalt, Our Lord and Savior! Updated

So, I previously had an iteration of this deck that, secondary to madness, revolved around delve. I've since switched them out for Bedlam Reveler - my graveyard cards benefit its casting cost greatly, and not only does it give me another madness generator, it also stocks me back up to 3. Worked well so far, but my question is, are there any other cards like this that benefit from having instants/sorcs in the graveyard? Took a bit of a hiatus lately and not sure what keywords to search for haha :)

Thanks guys!

General Magic / Re: Looking for Budget/Common Card deck recs
« em: Julho 10, 2016, 05:24:28 am »
You might consider the Pauper format for budget! Pauper is a format in which only commons are allpwed- but don't let those crappy nothong-special commons you've seen in boosters influence your opinion of the format, a lot of today's uncommons have been printed, in the past, as commons, and are thus legal in pauper! Not toention all the old school commons banned in modern due to being too powerful that pauper has access to :) I recently got into the format myself despite initially being repelled, as I like everyone have several rates close to my heart, and I love it :) most pauper decks are around twenty bucks, with top tier decks being around fifty bucks at most(as opposed to thousand dollar t1 modern decks that require $300 land bases alone). You can check my pauper folder for a couple examples, and this site's pauper section as well has plenty of cool decks!

Modern is certainly doable on a budget- none of my decks are more than a hundred bucks or so, some considerably cheaper, but I'll freely admit that not shelling out the money for a fetch/shock land base severely limits your ability to splash 3/4colors as many modern decks do. I'd definitely look into pauper though, play both formats perhaps :)

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Tibalt, Our Lord and Savior!
« em: Julho 10, 2016, 05:11:21 am »
Creeping dread effect would be an amazing addition, considering it! I particularly like that, occurring right after the untap step, I'm guaranteed to get madness triggers in. My only concern is its cmc- at 3 I'd be optimistic, but 4 means I'll typically have to devote an entire turn to nothing but casting it- I'm currently testing a more dredge-oriented build I'll load when I get home, but the structure in general typically requires the one-to-two drop(madness, dredge, etc) cost in order to make multiple casta work with faithless looting, burning inquiry, tibalylt etc. Being at 4cmc is just a hair's breath from five, which has been almost a wincon in and of itself with multiple demigods milled and several faithless flashbacks available to reach that fifth mana and final demigod!

I am definitely going to test it though, once it's out it could be potent! Thanks man!

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Tibalt, Our Lord and Savior!
« em: Julho 09, 2016, 09:26:59 am »
Hmm blazing hellhound would be a dead draw I think- I have yet to activate the -6 since I started playing this deck, if an opponent has enough creatures to make it worthwhile, they're not too likely to let him get that high! Even the -4 I often just skip over, it's the +1 that really makes his RR worth it :)

Mad Prophet I do like, although with the latest spoiler list I'm thinking Prophetic Ravings would do the trick even better, and cheaper! I'll play around with them both and figure it out

edit: Made some changes to the creature base, namely focusing far more on graveyard recursion to increase the value of turn 1 faithless looting/burning inquiry and tibalt RNG hits- now it's 2x asylum visitor, 4x lingering souls(EXCELLENT fodder for faithless looting!), and 4x shambling remains(and of course 4x demigod of revenge!). Worked excellently in the first test game :)

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Tibalt, Our Lord and Savior!
« em: Julho 08, 2016, 09:51:53 am »
Kouri! Thanks for the reply man, your input's always helpful :D I just tested a few games with your suggestions- I also added a couple Rotting Rats, the unearth+discard(and another on-demand discard outlet) worked quite well, and both lingering souls and asylum visitor did work- asylum visitor especially is going to be quite handy :)

I was looking through retrace/flashback/unearth cards and also came across worm harvest for the sideboard; I think there will be fun shenanigans against mill decks using that card haha ^^ Could be fun testing regularly as well, since lands do end up in my graveyard on a regular basis! I DID just win my third(in a row) game vs mill with less than 20 cards by popping out demigod of revenge after the other three were milled haa >:D

To make room for those cards, I sideboarded Big Game Hunter(amazing card, but I haven't been seeing a lot of creatures that dark withering/fiery temper etc haven't been able to take care of; I'll keep it close though!) and Raven's Crime- Typically I'm playing lands through the random discards until I have 5, and very shortly after my swarm of demigods rears up- but anyway, testing yesterday I was hardly using its retrace at all, so I think rotting rats will give me just as much benefit :)

I'm loving the sheer chaos of the deck. I'm playing against Tibalt and Burning Inquiry as much as my opponent, and it's glorious :) So far I've only played one game in which a turn one burning inquiry completely neutered my own hand XD

Deck Reviews / [Modern] Tibalt, Our Lord and Savior!
« em: Julho 07, 2016, 04:02:30 pm »
Tibalt, Our Lord and Savior!

So I threw this deck together for total funsies, but so far it's packed a crazy wallop in testing, and has convinced me to order a playset of Tibalt for pure shits and giggles :)

Input and ideas for additions/changes would be sweeeeet ^^

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