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Messages - freakmaster1987

Pages: [1]
Deck Comments / Re: Untitled Deck - Comments
« on: June 25, 2024, 02:12:16 pm »
i think that could be a funny combination ^^
Oppinion Anyone?

Deck Comments / Re: Dumptruck of Fists, Obeka Style - Comments
« on: April 22, 2024, 12:31:48 pm »
i think it is disgusting :3

Deck Comments / Re: DISGUSTING - Comments
« on: January 07, 2024, 12:34:49 am »
well Wizards.... this is disgusting .... Ooo

Gylwain, Casting Director could be disgustingly good in this deck but what to switch for him?

Deck Comments / Re: Untitled Deck - Comments
« on: September 29, 2023, 11:18:30 am »
what could i change for more mana/rocks?
and what to bring in for it ^^
would love some advice here :D

Deck Comments / Re: Familienfleischerei Sau-Ronny - Comments
« on: June 15, 2023, 11:07:40 pm »
Japp name crittet mit 11 auf ner 10er skala :D
Aber du musst noch ein paar länder wechseln, ich glaub Nur schwarz in nem 3 farben deck ist falsch :D

Found this fun Combination and thought of WHAT THE FUCK DO I PUT INTO THAT, didn't bothered i basicly let ChatGPT do it because I WAS BORED.................
after i play this against friends i will tell u it's effectiveness :D

Off-Topic / i was bored and made a new format
« on: March 20, 2023, 02:20:06 pm »
Welcome to "Combined Forces" v.0.2

Introducing a new format i thought of 5 minutes ago while building a deck

(Homebrew Rules)
Tripple Threat Rules - u can have a maximum of 3 cards except your Commander and Inferior Commander and their Signature Spells
Inferior Commander - u get a Second Commander, but the card doesn't need the full color palette of your commander
example "u have a red blue Commander then u can pick a red Inferior Commander"
Board Rule "Front/Back/double Sidelines" - the board will be getting a new zone which is for normal/token creatures only infront of the legendarys and a sidezone for both zones (except equiped) who all abide the normel zone rules for battlefield with the exception that u can choose to apply enchantment to the front or back zone sideline and only the front or the back zone will be applyied
Board Rule "i need Guidance" - Frontlines need a Legendary to guide them in the fight, for up to 5 frontline attackers u need 1 legendary that goes in to the fight when u are the attacker, the front forces can fully block on defence but every damage going trough will be automaticly trample damage if no backline blocks with the frontline
Signature Spell  - Basicly gives ur Commander AND inferior Commander a signature spell that abide the +2 mana cost after casting and directly goes back to the command zone with the exception that u can cast them once for their original cost for each time u cast the corresponding Commander or Inferior Commander and both have to be insant or sorcery cards
120 Cards in a deck and up to 20 in the sideboard (if that is to much in the sideboard let me know i never use it XD)
Custom Ban List - Basicly make the builds fun and don't make endless combos, it would ruin the game and yeah, speak with your friends and players to maybe play without that one card that broke the whole game.
40 health? 1 v 1 or 1 v 1 v 1 possible? maybe duno needs playtesting

Constructive Critic anyone? :D

Deck Comments / Re: Counters are .... Broken? - Comments
« on: February 18, 2023, 11:13:19 pm »

Deck Comments / Re: Counters are .... Broken? - Comments
« on: January 03, 2023, 12:19:49 pm »
I think i like this deck :D it does almost have no carddraw but every single card makes up for it :D
maybe it needs more mana but duno, the testhands are great

missing cards: Oskar, Rubbish Reclaimer

Pls help me getting this to work :D this is going to get to be a Archenemy deck :D

Pages: [1]