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(Caught in the undergrowth, just caught in the undergrowth)

Pauper EDH is an alternative format that uses any uncommon creature as the commander and the 99 are commons.

This mono-green deck is helmed by Golgari Raiders, a fairly straightforward uncommon that wants a graveyard filled with creatures.

To accomplish that the deck has a ton of mill-esque cards like Mulch, Excavation Mole, Winding Way etc.

The deck is also filled to the brim with creatures, notably an Elf subtheme.

Once there's 16 creatures in the graveyard and an opponent is open, fire off Golgari Raiders and hit for commander lethal. A bit of a dreamy scenario but cards like Rancor, Talons of Wildwood, Vorrac Battlehorns and Whispersilk Cloak can help get there.

Our non-creature removal is all creature-based with Ainok Survivalist, Elf Replica and more. For actual creature removal we have a lot of death touchers to dissuade attacks and they synergize well with Ram Through & Viridian Longbow.

Also in the deck is a combo in Ivy Lane Denizen + Presence of Gond + Devoted Druid as the pieces are all good on their own.

Graveyard hate is a bummer, not much you can do about it.

If you have any thoughts or advice, please let me know!




Questo mazzo sembra essere legale in EDH / Commander.

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