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What's your "Pet Deck" in EDH?

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Is it okay to have more than one pet deck?  Cause I have a few I prefer over the others.

First: Ramos Cascade.  Always super fun to play, and with the randomness of cascade and Possibility Storm (my favorite card) it's a different game every time.  Unfortunately sometimes it runs out of gas before I can get my wincons out and I lose to an agro deck.

Second: Breya Eggs.  I love combos and artifacts have some great ones.  Pia's revolution is one of my moneymakers, plus Mishra/Possiblity storm (I'm seeing a pattern here).  There's so much recursion in the deck too in case people opt to take the damage from Rev, my graveyard rarely has any artifacts in it.  So much good stuff I rarely cast Breya.  But like with Ramos, unless I have a draw engine I run out of gas and start topdecking.

Third: Shadow.  An obscure mechanic that shouldn't work, since while I can attack freely, I'm completely defenseless.  This is the deck that's gone through the most changes.  it started out as Mardu Alesha, then I added blue with Tymna/Ludevic, and now it's Oloro.  I've been toying with adding green (Tymna/Kydele).  It's like a weenie equipment deck with lots of combat damage triggers.

Those are my top three.  An argument could be made for more.


--- Quote from: cleanbelwas on July 05, 2019, 09:12:08 pm ---Apologies if I'm a little late to the party, but this was a really interesting thread and I felt compelled to share.

For me, it's all about Yahenni. Man, do I love this deck.


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I use to have a Yahenni deck that I loved. Had the whole thing foiled out, then out of the blue one day my love for another took deck over.


--- Quote from: WWolfe on July 06, 2019, 12:24:11 pm ---
--- Quote from: cleanbelwas on July 05, 2019, 09:12:08 pm ---Apologies if I'm a little late to the party, but this was a really interesting thread and I felt compelled to share.

For me, it's all about Yahenni. Man, do I love this deck.


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I use to have a Yahenni deck that I loved. Had the whole thing foiled out, then out of the blue one day my love for another took deck over.

--- End quote ---

Yea it happens. There's always a flavour of the month deck that I like playing, but somehow I always come back to this one. What deck took over for you out of interest?

Sidisi, Brood Tyrant. Not sure why, I'd had the deck for a while (it had even been retired and brought back) but one day I just found myself spending all the time and $$$ on it that I use to spend on Yahenni. I've switched it around a few times. Started out as a zombie build, then went to a much more competitive build, and is now back to zombie tribal (that's the way it's the most fun to play IMO).

Well Sidisi is great. Who doesn't love graveyard value and making a load of 2/2 zombies?


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