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Nachrichten - Darilack

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Deck Reviews / [Pauper] Weaponized Bears
« am: März 16, 2018, 04:28:30 Nachmittag »

I don't expect to win or anything, just want to see some bears with axes.

That said, any suggesitons?

Deck Comments / Re: Naya Zoo - Comments
« am: April 25, 2017, 03:16:50 Vormittag »
I just noticed there isn't any sort of removal. I recommend Harnessed Lightning, Stasis Snare or Fairgrounds Warden to help with that.
Also, if you're running a three color deck, i think it would be a good idea to add mana fixing. Servant of the Conduit and Attune with Aether are common choices. As for the creatures, i think you're on the right way so far!

I hope i helped you :D

Deck Comments / Re: Naya Zoo - Comments
« am: April 25, 2017, 03:10:23 Vormittag »
The only problem i see is that there isn't a white mana source. It's probably a typo though.
Looks fun, i'm building a similar deck, so maybe i'll splash white just to try it out :D

Deck Reviews / Woodlurker Midrange
« am: März 11, 2017, 10:32:26 Nachmittag »

I'm working on a Golgari Midrange deck, this is the list so far. What do you guys think? What can i add/remove from the deck? Thanks in advance

[pt] Pedidos de Avaliação de Deck / Re: [Pauper] BR Madness Life ( Standard )
« am: Februar 01, 2017, 12:35:32 Vormittag »
BR Madness Life ( Standard )

Colocar criaturas para ganhar pontos de vida e ganhar habilidades com as criaturas corretas para causar dano ao oponente e usar a habilidade loucura para puxar cartas e usar as cartas de feitiço para ajudar ou prejudicar o oponente.

Depois de dar uma olhada no seu deck eu resolvi tentar ver o que eu poderia incrementar.

O maior problema, na minha opinião, é o fato de você ter poucos mecanismos para ativar o Madness (apenas 3 Tormenting Voice , 4 Insolent Neonate e 3 Macabre Waltz , o que totalizam 10 cartas), então eu testei esse conjunto:

1 Call the Bloodline - Pessoalmente, não curto muito ela, por isso botei apenas uma cópia dela. Então é uma boa você testar para ver se ela funciona para você, se sim, recomendo umas 3 cópias.

4 Tormenting Voice e 4 Insolent Neonate

2 Cathartic Reunion - Mesma coisa do Tormenting Voice , mas nos ajuda ainda mais, descartando 2 cards e comprando 3.

4 Lightning Axe - Pessoalmente, considero a remoção perfeita para esse deck. 5 de dano mata praticamente qualquer criatura, e o fato de você poder descartar um card torna ela ainda muito melhor. Por isso substitui o Murderous Compulsion por ela.

4 Heir of Falkenrath - Visto que você prefere uma versão do deck com mais criaturas, acredito que ela seja uma boa adição. Você ativa o Madness e de brinde tem uma 3/2 com voar.

Com isso temos 19 cartas que podem te ajudar a ativar o Madness, o que eu acho que seja a quantidade perfeita.

Mas é claro, precisamos de cartas com Madness para castar, de outra forma não valeria a pena, certo? Que fique claro que eu tomei uma abordagem mais voltada para o Burn, então você pode fazer suas alterações para tornar o deck mais baseado em criaturas de acordo com o seu agrado!

4 Alms of the Vein - Ótima carta, 3 de dano e 3 de cura são duas ótimas habilidades. Lembre-se: Você não é OBRIGADO a castar as cartas pelo custo de Loucura, então muitas vezes você vai acabar castando essa e outras cartas pelo custo comum!

4 Avacyn's Judgment - Muito forte, e muito útil para remoção ou até mesmo para terminar o jogo!

4 Fiery Temper - Um Raio, fim de história!

Além disso, temos 3 Prying Questions só para atrasar o jogo do nosso oponente (colocar um card da mão no topo do grimório basicamente significa que o seu oponente vai perder um turno inteiro por causa disso, já que ele não vai comprar um card novo, e sim um que ele já tinha!)

Agora, temos a carta que mais se beneficia com nossas spells:

4 Thermo-Alchemist - provavelmente a carta mais forte do deck. Ele causa em média uns 2/3 de dano por turno ao seu oponente, é uma carta que, se o seu adversário não se livrar rápido, pode custá-lo o jogo!

Basicamente, esse é o deck. Temos 11 Mountain , 7 Swamp e 4 Cinder Barrens (acho mais útil do que Evolving Wilds nessa situação). Eu reparei que esse é um deck budget, então se você decidir fazer melhorias nele, comece pelos terrenos. Smoldering Marsh e Foreboding Ruins são quase obrigatórias, considerando que temos apenas 4 cartas pretas...

Após isso, recomendo adicionar 4 Collective Brutality pois ela é extremamente forte nesse deck, fazendo TUDO o que nós precisamos. É remoção, é burn e é descarte!

Criaturas para caso você queira seguir mais pro lado da sua antiga estratégia: Asylum Visitor / Falkenrath Gorger / Olivia, Mobilized for War

Espero que tenha ajudado!

Essa é a lista que eu montei caso você queira dar uma olhada:

Deck Comments / Re: Fucking Gatos - Comments
« am: Dezember 21, 2016, 07:16:14 Nachmittag »
+1 porque o nome do deck me fez rir

Deck Reviews / [MODERN] Woodlurker Mimic deck
« am: November 09, 2016, 09:53:27 Nachmittag »

I'm trying to build a deck based on the Woodlurker Mimic and i need some advice about what i could do to improve it.


Woodlurker Mimic is the main card in this deck, so almost everything is GB because of it, which makes Pharika, God of Affliction a great card, because she can easily become a creature.

Dreg Mangler is a solid 3 Drop in my opinion

Creakwood Liege is simply great, giving +2+2 to ALL of our creatures.

Corpsejack Menace has a astonishing sinergy with Rakshasa Deathdealer and Creakwood Liege

Kin-Tree Invocation - Perfect Scenario: 2 turn drop Woodlurker Mimic , 3 turn drop Slitherhead to transform the Mimic and Kin-Tree Invocation ... IT WILL BE A 5/5 for 2 mana with no drawbacks. It's a very solid card, considering the Thoughness of most of our creatures.

Treasured Find for when we need some key card from our graveyard.

Putrefy and Go for the Throat for removal.

Golgari Charm is a extremely versatile card in this deck.

I personally think that the mana base is great the way it is, but i may be wrong.

That's it. What do you guys think, and what can i do to improve it?

Deck Reviews / Ramping on Pauper
« am: September 26, 2016, 01:42:31 Vormittag »

Well, i got some ideas, but i need help with to reach my goal. I never played Pauper before, so i want to enter the format it with my own deck!

I was thinking of making a really fast ramp deck on pauper, where on turn 2 i could play Ulamog's Crusher or some other big creature. For that, i'd use cards like:

Tinder Wall
Orcish Lumberjack

The problem is: I don't know any good pauper cards to use besides those two...
Apostle's Blessing will protect my creatures
Madcap Skills Predator's Strike and Rancor will help me with evasion
Soul's Fire will work great with Ulamog!

I need more big creatures and i need more ramp cards, what should i do?

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Gruul Budget Zoo
« am: August 12, 2016, 01:51:59 Nachmittag »
It looks like a promising and strong deck. I'll give you some card ideas:

Madcap Skills + Alpha Authority makes a Hexproof and Unblockeable combo that will win you a lot of games

Domri Rade gives you card advantage, clean the board and can turn even the weakest creatures you control into total slaughters.

Flesh // Blood (the Blood half) deals a lot of damage to your enemy.

Xenagos, the Reveler gives you mana, satyrs and the -6 is just great.

Fanatic of Xenagos you can have a 4/4 with trample on the battlefield for just 3 mana, or a 4/4 with haste until the end of turn (the +1+1 goes away too). People think that tribute is bad because your enemy can choose what is better for him, but the secret is: I'm okay with either choice.

Sakura-Tribe Elder works great, you can use him to block a creature in your opponents turn and then sacrifice him for a land.

Outland Colossus is my absolute favorite. In a perfect scenario, you would summon him, and the next turn you would have 6 mana. Then, you would add Madcap Skills + Alpha Authority and do 9 damage. After this, it will become a 15/12 that has Hexproof and CAN'T be blocked. And the best part is, you can finish off your opponent with Flesh // Blood and give a TON of damage! Xenagos, The Reveler and Sakura-Tribe Elder are here to help with the mana.

These are the strategies that i use on my deck, it maybe  will work for you and maybe won't, but yeah, i hope i helped you :)

If you want to see my deck:

Deck Reviews / Re: Opinion on my first deck
« am: August 12, 2016, 01:35:41 Nachmittag »
Lightning Bolt is a great card, and after i'm done with the list i'll buy it for sure!

Ancient Grudge looks like a great cards for Sideboard, but i'm thinking of using Destructive Revelry instead, because it can destroy enchantments and gives 2 extra damage!

Deck Reviews / Re: Opinion on my first deck
« am: August 12, 2016, 01:36:42 Vormittag »
I'm back again! My deck is doing great in my local store, and the Alpha Authority + Madcap Skills unblockeable combo won me more games than i could count.

I'm thinking of spending more money on cards that can really improve what i've been doing. So, i just bought 2x Domri Rade and 2x Xenagos for that matter.

I'm thinking of adding:
Atarka's Command
Hunter's Insight

And it's about time to make a good sideboard, so cards like Mistcutter Hydra would be optimal.

What are your thoughts? As always, thanks!

Deck Reviews / Re: Opinion on my first deck
« am: Juli 16, 2016, 12:22:23 Nachmittag »
And what about cards that play well against other colors?

Deck Reviews / Re: Opinion on my first deck
« am: Juli 16, 2016, 12:18:55 Nachmittag »
Thanks for the tips! I'm already using  Flesh // Blood in my mainboard, but i'll be sure to add them in my sideboard :)

Deck Reviews / Re: Opinion on my first deck
« am: Juli 15, 2016, 08:12:09 Nachmittag »
What would work for a Sideboard?

Deck Reviews / Re: Opinion on my first deck
« am: Juni 19, 2016, 06:00:01 Nachmittag »
These are great cards, and i'll be sure to look them up. For now Alpha Authority will work best with my strategy.

I've added more Elvish Mystic and Mugging into the deck.

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