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Messages - ChaoticOrderr

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Deck Comments / Re: Hit him! Not me! - Comments
« on: November 06, 2024, 07:31:00 am »
Hi, Are there any new update in roadmap?

Hey @Anubi27! Thanks for asking. Not at the moment, I unfortunately had to move and put my MTG cards in storage. So I haven't been able to update my in-paper decks at all for nearly half a year now. I don't like to make changes to my in-paper lists without having the decks with me because I'll forget to make the changes and what cards I have swapped out. So I've been focusing on brewing new decks and updating the non-in-paper lists.

I really want to update this decklist. So when I get my hands on my cards again I'll be working on a new update.

Deck Comments / Re: M - Comments
« on: August 03, 2024, 09:51:42 pm »
Heyyyy that list looking mighty familiar. XD. Have you had any luck with it yet?

Deck Comments / Re: Oh my, what big hands you have! - Comments
« on: July 20, 2024, 12:21:37 pm »
Sure I get what you are saying. If I really wanted this deck to be better I would be running stax cards like Arcane Laboratory and Deafening Silence. That way they can't play things and the hand would stedily fill up. However this isnt trying to be a controll deck. That isnt my forte, nor my playstyle. Its more of a midrange/tempo/combo deck.

That being said, according to my game tracking sheats, the deck has a 40-36% win rate the way it is.

So I think that it really has to do with playstyle. The way that I tend to play, I will fly under the radar till my opponets relize too late that I have become a problem and I swoop in for the win.

Hey everyone, I am back with another primer. This time it's for my girl Ashnod.

I look forward to any comments or questions.  ;D

I have gone through and updated the list. As well as rewrote some of the sections of the primer to reflect the new changes to the list.

For example, I have removed Dreamborn Muse and Elder Brain from the deck, So I rewrote the sections that mentioned them.

Also, I did an overall grammar check and clarified some of the more convoluted sections. For example, I cleaned up the "The Rest of the 99" and "Look out!" sections to be less redundant. Some sentences would repeat what has already been said but just in a different way.

To follow up on the reasons that I am not playing certain cards.

Alhammarret's Archive & Faerie Mastermind: Man... I don't have a reason to not run these other than I don't own either IRL.

Fellwar Stone: I personally do not like this card. The number of times that I've had it not make a color that is useful to me has left a bad impression. If I going to be running a rock that gives me a colorless mana and occasionally a color I need for two CMC I'd rather run one with better upside.

Notion Thief: I am looking to fill the hands of the others at the table. This actively stops that.

Rhystic Study: I really don't need the draw that this provides. If I am running more card draw in the deck, I want it to also put cards into other's hands as well.

Sanguine Bond: I honestly don't gain enough life for this to be effective.

Teferi's Ageless insight: I should be running this for the same reasons that I should be running Alhammarret's Archive, however, If I am going to be adding one of the two to the deck I'll be adding the archive other than this one.

Teferi's Puzzle Box: A really silly card that I think would help churn through decks. The only problem is that It doesn't increase the amount of cards in hands just changes them.

The Second Doctor: I never knew about this card. I'd love to add to the deck If I ever get my hands on one.

Path to Exile & the Talismans of X: I'll be updating the deck list to include these because you are right. I should be running these.

I've also updated the Primer to explain why I am not running Nekuzar. Our Commander section has been updated to be Queza, Augur of Agonies not Nekusar, the Mindrazer?

You bring up a VERY good point! Nekusar, the Mindrazer is pretty much the deck that I have built. I guess that I just wanted to be in Esper. I built most of the deck before I decided on the commander and she so happened to be the one Esper legend that fit the deck's strategy the most. I didn't even consider that Nekusar is similar till right now.

This is sort of a secondary reason that I just thought of, But I guess it's the reputation that the commander brings. Nekuzar is a well-known boogie man in the format. If I bust out him, everyone knows what's up and to kill me first. If I play Queza it's less of an "oh shit" reaction around the table, plus the deck is sort of a "group hug" deck. I want to let the table have fun, not sweat while looking for a removal spell.

I'll add the reasons why I am not playing the following cards to the list in another reply. I just need time to think about each card.

Primers / Re: Simic Mill - Zimone, Quandrix Prodigy Primer
« on: January 02, 2024, 10:54:07 pm »
Does this deck often play in pods of 5 players? Or is this a miscalculation?

Ah, this was indeed a miscalculation, but also yes- this deck is played in pods of more than 4. I'll go back and fix my mistake.

You also do bring up a very good point about how mill is a generally weaker strategy than combat damage. So how is this deck able to do mill more effectively? About how often is this deck able to win by milling everyone out? And how do you not lose to combat damage before then?
  • I'll add more into the Simic Mill? section to explain better how this deck mills whole tables.
  • This deck has only ever won by milling out the last 1 or 2 other players at the table. According to a game tracking spreadsheet that I have for my decks, this one has a about 20% win rate.
  • Ah, that was certainly a big problem for the early versions of the deck. I mention it but I can make it more obvious or I'll explain it in an FAQ. I use cards that generate tokens as my main source of protection. I also use Propaganda and Maze of Ith in addition to the wall of tokens.

I'll add the reasons as to why I am not playing the following cards to the list, but here they are for your convince:
Arcane Signet: Besides Sol Ring and Thought Vessel(which is only there for the no max hand size), I have chosen to exclude any form of artifact ramp to the deck. In the early builds of the deck, there were a few signets and other forms of artifact ramp(Bauble for example), however, whenever I would draw/play one I would always end up wishing it was a land instead. So I overtime ended up cutting out all of the mana rocks and replacing them with land ramp instead.

Court of Cunning: Court of Cunning used to be in here but what I found is that It would just draw unnecessary hate from the table. Mill is already a strategy that comes with a lot of prejudice towards it, so giving opponents another reason to hit me wasn't in my best interest. I also could never keep the monarch long enough to have the second half of the effect to trigger. Once it was gone I couldn't ever get it back.

Explore: This was just more of a matter of not having enough space and having to choose what cards to cut. Explore lost out to Growth Spiral in the end.

Fleet Swallower & Traumatize: Ah These used to also be in the deck. Milling half of someone's library is a very tempting effect. In the case of Fleet Fleet Swallower, this deck(as well as my playstyle) tends to ignore the fact that there is even a combat step. With Traumatize, I like my mill to be repeatable and not a one-off effect. And for both, they just drew way too much heat, If I played either one it would usually make me the #1 threat at the table or it would at least cause the table to point all of their removal at me for a bit.

Ramunap Excavator: This is one that I have considered adding to the deck. I guess that I never felt the need to be able to play my fetch lands out of the grave. Because the deck isn't really centered around landfall as a mechanic. Besides the five cards that care about lands entering (Zendikar's Roil, Retreat to Coralhelm, Tiller Engine, and the two mill crabs) there isn't anything that cares about my lands entering. The mass amount of lands that I am playing is so I can dump my hand and pay for my draw spells.

Seedborn Muse & Wilderness Reclamation: I don't have a reason for not including them in the deck other than I don't own either one or I don't know what I would cut to make space for them. The deck is already very tight on how many cards should be in each section.

Also, I have made edits to my deck and will be updating the primer to reflect those changes.

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Mirko vosk - Making Him Better
« on: November 22, 2023, 10:29:20 am »
I am removing the reanimation package. It was too at odds with my form of gravehate. So I'm adding more card draw and general support.
Also, Burnished Hart was too slow, so I replaced it with a mana rock that will also draw me cards.

Commander Deck Reviews / Mirko vosk - Making Him Better
« on: November 20, 2023, 11:15:17 pm »
Hey guys, I am currently struggling to power up my [[Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker]] deck. Back in August I made a massive rework to the deck and improved it, but it still feels like it's falling short. I've tried to make it so the deck is well-tuned and balanced. However, I still find that it is too slow and folds if I can't get Mirko Vosk out/keep him alive.

The goal of the deck is to mill opponents out Mirko Vosk's ability. I'm running ways to clone him as well as double his attack trigger to help achieve this.

I'm running 36 lands, 10 mana accelerants, 15 removal spells, 5 counters, & 10 sources of draw. So think that my numbers should be pretty solid. Is it because of the cards themselves?

I would really love some help tuning the deck more and raising up its power level. Any advice that isn't "you should change your commander" or a random two-card infinite would be appreciated.

And to those that run or have run Mirko Vosk as a commander in the past, what is your advice/experience with him?

Deck Comments / Re: Ashnod and Her Shiny Trinkets - Comments
« on: October 25, 2023, 11:35:43 am »
Oh wow! That’s a super important non-Bo that you’ve caught there!!! Thanks for pointing that out.

Glad that you liked the list. It’s definitely one of my favorites that I’ve built. It’s very fun to get the engine going, even if it doesn’t win often.

Im back with another Primer!

Today I want to show off my Esper forced card draw deck. The goal of this deck is to everyone a massive amount of cards, then punish them for having large hands!

Similar to the old "Owling Mine" archetype (2006 Pro Tour), but this is less control/counterspell tribal and more midrange/engine building.

I’d love to hear what you guys think of the deck! And I’ll be back with another primer in a few weeks.

Deck Comments / Re: Poking Angry Lizards - Comments
« on: October 02, 2023, 10:10:04 pm »
Ooh the vigor suggestion is nice. I’ll look and see where I can fit that in!

Hey, ya'll!

I have written a primer for my personal favorite deck Zimone Mill. I am looking to fill out the FAQ for the primer, as well as share it for others to see.

I'd love to see what people think of the deck and get your thoughts or opinions.

Primers / Re: Simic Mill - Zimone, Quandrix Prodigy Primer
« on: September 26, 2023, 09:38:09 pm »
Based on Advice I got on my last primer, I have added a Why am I not playing "*X"? section with these cards addressed:

**Amulet of Vigor**: I am choosing to run Tiller Engine over this. Because it's the budget option. I mention it in the **Upgrades & Budget Options** section as a card to add to the deck if you want to up the power level.

**Rampaging Baloths**: I have considered running this card, but I chose to go with Zendikar's Roil instead. Due to the fact that it's 1 mana cheaper and it's an enchantment. Thus making it harder to remove.

**Tatyova, Benthic Druid**: She is very powerful... And well-known. Thus drawing more hate than the deck wants to deal with. Also, she pushed the deck into becoming more landfall-focused rather than mill.

**Gretchen Titchwillow**: The deck is already mana-hungry as it is. I found through playtesting that I would never really use her ability because of its steep cost. There were always other things that I'd rather be spending my 4 mana on.

**Eternal Witness**: This one hurts not to play. I love this card and its versatility. Instead of relying on trying to get things back from the grave, I have tried to build the deck to be redundant and resilient. So even if something gets blown up, you can replace it with something similar.

**Omen Hawker, Delighted Halfling, or Tireless Provisioner**: I have chosen to reduce the number of tap creatures in the deck. I want my ramp to come through lands.

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