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Messages - Capt Forest

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Deck Comments / Re: BIGBIRDS - Comments
« on: July 25, 2024, 03:54:44 pm »
This is good, you need more dual lands. Either pain lands or fast lands.

General Magic / Re: March of Wretched Sorrow
« on: July 23, 2024, 06:43:23 am »
you can just use mana to pay for x you do not have to exile anything if you dont want to or cant.

Deck Comments / Re: Obliterator Restricted - Comments
« on: July 22, 2024, 04:34:24 am »
I am taking 12 cards out of this deck temporarily to put together a mono green set restricted deck. This deck will be used by Ginger Reigh in the upcoming set restricted event on 7/26/24

Main Deck
3x Armored Scrapgorger
- all replaced
1x Evolving Adaptive
- all replaced
4x Bloated Contaminator

Side deck
2x Thrun, Breaker of Silence
- all replaced
1x Tyvar's Stand
- all replaced

Deck Comments / Re: Aegar & the Heavyweights (Tribal) - Comments
« on: July 22, 2024, 01:14:38 am »
7/19/24: Swiss 4th place (2-2)
Winners R1 - Vs. Ty BR Vampires 2-0
Winners R2 - Vs. Mitch RU Pirates 0-2* labeled net deck
Winners R3 - Vs. Faded BU Faeries 2-1
Winners R4 - Vs. Mitch GR Dinos 0 - 2

Notes from the event, the deck played poorly all night. Inconsistent with mana even though i am at 25 lands in the deck. r2 vs mitch playing net deck pirates i feel like Aegar should win that match every time. I had to mulligan to 5 in g2 and missed land drops in game one. The finals was tough, i won g1 then got beat up by side board cards in g2 and 3. In g2 i had 5 lands in my hand at one point, g3 i missed land drops early and King Fro got out in front of me and i could not make up the ground.  I was let down by the deck tonight.

Deck Comments / Re: Falco (The Streets Restricted) - Comments
« on: July 20, 2024, 09:20:47 pm »
6/28/24 Set Restricted 2nd place (3-1)
R1 - Vs. Ty BG Food WOE 2-0
R2 - Vs.  Mitch WU MOM 2-1
R3 - Vs.  DeckSmith BW WOE 1-2
R4 - Vs.  Plunder BR OTJ 2-0

Notes from the event, this deck is still a powerhouse in the format. After taken over year off proper singles tournament play the deck was still able to hold its own in the current meta. I added a 25th land into the deck to help with consistency it was brokers hideout. R1 with Ty almost went to time was able to use Titan of Industry to break the game open after a well placed Rhino and gained 5 life in anticipation of the end. I had a second titan of Industry under fight rigging to save it from the end. R2 vs Mitch i was able to draw him into mean board wipes and finished him off with Creatures with shield counters like Vince Carter. r3 was my hardest mu. My brothers deck is very aggressive. We split the first two games but in g3 that awkwardness that comes around from time to time in 3 color decks showed up and my brother got out in front of me an did not give up anything until he took the set. Falco was able to hang in there and winning that mu is not out of the question at all. Overall the deck still feels good to play and it was in new sleeves 100% foil and double sleeved in the thick boiis.   

Deck Comments / Re: Ninja artisan - Comments
« on: July 18, 2024, 04:13:33 pm »
Why are you playing uncharted haven?

Deck Comments / Re: Samurai Artisan - Comments
« on: July 18, 2024, 04:07:54 pm »
Nice job finding Calamity's Wake for the sideboard!

Deck Comments / Re: Behold the Collection - Comments
« on: July 17, 2024, 06:02:10 pm »
Why do you think Maestros Diabolist deserves to be in the deck over Corpse Appraiser?

Deck Comments / Re: Frostfire Artisan - Comments
« on: July 15, 2024, 04:24:30 pm »
whats left now that you need for this build?

Deck Comments / Re: Obscura Mob - Comments
« on: July 15, 2024, 04:20:04 pm »
This is nice, im with it.

Hey, Nils just so you know The Viashino creature type has been changed to Lizard. I got this info off of maro blog on tumblr. Ill post the link to the page.

"Viashino is an obsolete red creature type. It was predominantly used for cards depicting intelligent bipedal humanoid lizard-folk. The type was made obsolete and all past cards given errata to be lizards with the release of Modern Horizons 3 to be more consistent with how other humanoid animals are typed."

You may already know this and be on it. When can we expect the search filters to reflect this errata?

Deck Comments / Re: Vamp Anthem - Comments
« on: July 13, 2024, 09:24:21 pm »
Artisan or tribal? You have artisan lands and one rare vampire

Deck Comments / Re: Frostfire Artisan - Comments
« on: July 12, 2024, 01:24:11 am »
What cards do you still need for this build?

Deck Comments / Re: Mono black 2hg - Comments
« on: July 08, 2024, 05:53:25 pm »
7/5/24: Round Robin THG Champion w/Ty WU Reanimator
Round 1 - Vs. Mr. Reck & Vader (mono white poison & BR Berserkers) W
Round 2 - Vs. Beau & wood dawg (BU discard & mono black) W
Round 3 - Vs. Plunder & Faded (BR Outlaws & WU activated abilities) W

Notes from event, This is the first time i have teamed this deck with Tyler Reanimator, the pair worked well together in this lower skill event. None of the 3 teams we played had much of a chance vs this comp. Ty played hot all night not needing much if any consultation from me, he is learning the deck ins and out well. I added a 25th land to the mono black deck to get a bit more consistency with the draws and it worked out nicely. The mono black deck played smooth as it ever has this night. Overall Ty and i were just using two very expensive and overwhelming decks that easily got the job done.

Had another instance of wood dawg throwing a fit over misplaying. Beau eventually calmed him down and we moved on. Wood dawg missed the sheoldred draw life gain trigger which also caused him to miss the trigger that when he gains life his opponents lose life. After playing cards and using planeswalker abilities he wanted to catch the missed sheoldred triggers. I refused stating that its a missed trigger from his draw step and we are much further along the turn to go back. He was upset that he missed the trigger informing me that "This is why no one wants to play with me" He informed me that he just likes to play casual.

i ignored him to focus on winning the game which i did and then purposefully missed triggers since i knew ty was taking the game over. Once we won i looked at the man and let him know that i missed some triggers purposefully for him. wood dawg and is typical gas lighting language again. Back to him talking about "no one likes to play with me". If that were true why do i have an established league with going on 4 years of weekly events? It would be that players do indeed like to play with me. Lastly on the topic, I play "casual" games all week Is it too much to ask to have 3 or 4 matches a week that are taken seriously? Does every set i play have to be casual? gtfo.

Deck Comments / Re: OX - Comments
« on: July 01, 2024, 06:31:05 pm »
You could look to add a one of of the the nastiest vehicle you can find and use that to abuse the ox. In fact reckoner bank buster might be the move here for the card draw

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