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Mensagens - Inphyy77

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Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Some of that Azorious BullSh*t
« em: Abril 25, 2019, 08:10:01 pm »
 I love the idea behind this deck! I have a huge soft spot for Prison/Ponza style decks, and it looks a bit like both here. Just a few observations off the top:

- If you're running zero one drops, it seems like a real shame to not run Chalice of the Void. I get you've got Trinisphere, but the Chalice shuts off a huge part of the meta while coming down a turn earlier.
- If you have no one drops, running Temple of Enlightenment also looks really solid.
- If you decide to keep on the Chalice/Trinisphere plan, Cast Out and Hieroglyphic Illumination are decent considerations as 1-2 ofs (Cycling remains unaffected).
- Monastery Siege feels really clunky. If you're using it to dig, it's better off being a Search for Azcanta. If you want to slow the opponent down, Suppression Field feels better, especially if you're mainboarding Leylines.
- Snapcaster Mage would a be huge boon, as it lets you reuse your spells while providing a clock.
- Consider cutting a Gemstone Caverns. Even mono red prison, a deck that needs 2-3 mana turn one, only runs three.

Deck Reviews / Re: New modern deck need your input please
« em: Abril 25, 2019, 07:39:46 pm »
First the point of the deck is the guttersnipe/electrostatic field combo that turns all those bolt spells into 6 damage which is why the rest of the deck is built that way. I'm not dropping $20 on the damage or pain lands just out of principle to be honest. I appreciate the input but don't want to look like a net Decker. Never was my style before to play main stream and not going to start with net decks now. I understand decks are currently extremely fast but I'll take my chances right now and see what happens and if I get my ass handed to me I'll be more than happy to post it next week and take my I told you so's. Thanks still open to any other suggestions but don't have time to order a whole new deck on line and get it here before next Wednesday.

 Understood. I just say "returning, burn, budget, help" and made some suggestions based off that. =)

 I'd say with a budget unwilling to drop $20 on lands, stick to mono coloured builds. So with mono red in mind, you're likely going to want to lean more into the pinger plan. I'd personally advocate for the following:

4 Ball Lightning
2 Jungle Shrine
4 Wind-scarred Crag
4 Boros Charm
4 Lightning Helix
4 Searing Spear
4 Lightning Strike
4 Incinerate

5 Mountain
4 Skewer the Critics
4 Rift Bolt
4 Thermo-Alchemist
3 Light Up the Stage
4 Skullcrack
4 Needle Drop

For your sideboard, I'd consider something along the lines of:
4 Smash to Smithereens
3 Tormod's Crypt
3 Scab-Clan Berserker
3 Slagstorm
2 Dragon's Claw

  None of those suggestions should break the bank, and will make for a more streamlined deck.

Deck Reviews / Re: New modern deck need your input please
« em: Abril 25, 2019, 10:10:25 am »
 All of the creatures you have in your list have been eclipsed by faster, more aggressive creatures. Monastery Swiftspear, Eidolon of the Great Revel, (the somewhat pricey) Goblin Guide, and 1-2 copies of Grim Lavamancer are pretty much all you see in modern burn for creatures.

  Your tap lands need to go as well. Speed is the name of the game for burn. If you're not gonna grab fetches/shocks due to budget, I would suggest Inspiring Vantage and Clifftop Retreat.

For burn spells, you have some inefficient choices in Incinerate, Lightning Strike, and Searing Spear. Consider Rift Bolt, Skewer the Critics, Searing Blaze, or Light Up the Stage in those slots. You want three damage for one mana if you can get it.

Your sideboard also can free up a few slots by cutting Boil, Cindervines, Jungle Shrine, and Goblin Chainwhirler. With 11 slots open, I would suggest four copies of Skullcrack, and a mix of Searing Blood, Smash to Smithereens, Defecting Palm, Wear/Tear, and Kor Firewalker.

None of the cards I listed will break the bank (excepting Goblin Guide), and will drastically increase the speed of your deck. :)

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Sorin's deadly army
« em: Abril 23, 2019, 09:42:07 pm »
 Your deck lacks a strategic focus. You have a weird pile of some vampires, some tokens, a little lifelink. I would really suggest picking one of those themes and really dedicating to it.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Necromantic Sacrifice
« em: Abril 15, 2019, 03:40:04 am »
 Welcome to modern! If you're new(ish) to the game, and have only played standard or casual games, you're in for a bit of a shock. Modern has a much higher power level, and games are usually over by turn four (though it can end earlier or much later, depending on the decks). The format generally rewards proactive play, and especially as a new player, you want a something proactive and fast-ish. So I'll give you some overarching recommendations first, and get to your deck second.

 First off, glad you asked about sideboarding, a *lot* of new players do not understand the importance of learning to sideboard. It is one of the most crucial skills you'll need to learn. You will play more games post board than you will with your original 60. I could spend all day writing about the practice of it, but thankfully there are several solid general guides on sideboarding (both construction and how to use them) on YouTube and Reddit. Save yourself some headaches and give them a read/listen.

  Secondly, budgeting. This means different things to different people, but I'll assume you're coming in with a near-zero collection of cards. So a few tips to save you money:
- If you're new to the game and don't know what type of deck you'd like to play, try proxying a few of the top decks. With friends. You can get a better feel for the format, and see what you enjoy playing before you drop (potentially) hundreds or more dollars on a deck only to find out you hate playing it. Checking resources like mtggoldfish and mtgtop8 will give you a good idea of what is popular at the moment, though there is a lot of "fringe" decks that are played less, often a bit less competitive, but still capable of going 4-0 or however many rounds your FNMs go.
- If you find you want to buy into modern, invest in "staples" first. Sets of cards like Lightning Bolt, Path to Exile, Fatal Push, Serum Visions, Faithless Looting, etc. will go a long way if you want to play a variety of decks.
- It's ok skimp a bit in the beginning. While some expensive cards have an effect that is completely unique, this is usually not the case. There is usually a less costly card that has about 80% the effectiveness. For example, compare Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, and Duress. TS is clearly the most powerful, but has the highest price tag. IoK cleanly sits in the middle, both in effectiveness and cost. If your budget is really hurting, Duress is dirt cheap, but misses a lot of relevant targets.

  Ok, now on to the deck you have built. This might get a bit harsh and long. I will be explaining all potential card choices. And I will try to keep it under the cost of what you already have listed for the deck. If you want, just skip to the bottom for a list I would consider to keep the theme intact.

So, the overarching theme is sacrificing for value. That's awesome. It's a lot of fun, and I don't blame you for wanting to play it. But the deck you have built is reeeeeally slow for modern. You will likely just die a lot of times before you get your engine online. So we need to lower your mana curve, and look at your engine itself.

  The first thing I am looking at is a few cards that do not contribute to your overall strategy. Pyromancer's Goggles is painfully slow and doesn't have enough targets for its effect. Nirkana Revenant is also slow as can be and doesn't really function as ramp. Infernal Plunge is something we don't need the mana from if we build properly. Mogis, Tymaret, and Chandra are all more prison-oriented cards to grind someone down. They add very little to the deck. So we've barely started, and we have already freed up fourteen slots.

  So we need some fast threats we can sacrifice over and over and some gods to get our value. You have Nether Traitor and Reassembling Skeleton listed, but I think there are a few better options. For the same cost (money-wise), Bloodghast has one more power, can have haste, and doesn't take a mana to bring back to play. Bloodsoaked Champion, Gravecrawler, and Gutterbones are both one drops, so that's a consideration. Flamewake Phoenix is easy to trigger with gods in play. Haakon is more mana intensive, so I wouldn't really consider it. Erebos is very slow, costing a full mana more to play than Bontu. So he's out. Bontu I would up to three copies. Purphoros is solid and I could see keeping three copies.

  Now we need a few ways to get our critters into the graveyard, and dig for our payoff cards. Stitcher's Supplier is one mana to get up to six cards in the bin, which is solid. Faithless Looting is known for enabling broken starts. Cathartic Reunion is also a whole pile of value. Cryptbreaker bins and gives us some board presence at the same time.

  Removal is a really simple one to upgrade. Lightning bolt is extra reach, and just more efficient than Abrade. Lightning Axe bins a card and hits for 5, which is good if we have a recursion card stuck in our hand. Fatal Push is just alright in this scenario, though we can very easily trigger revolt on it. Sweltering Suns is actually the best sweeper for a deck that doesn't want its board exile, so good pick, but I don't think we need one. Conflagerate is a solid option as you can play it from the bin.

  Sideboarding in the current meta is a bit tricky, but I'll keep it cheap and as board as possible. Grim Lavamancer is the one "expensive" card, but a total house against any go wide deck. Tormod's Crypt is no Leyline of the Void, but it exiles the opponent's yard and costs no mana. Fatal Push and an additional Lightning Bolt for more removal. Sweltering Suns I put in the board as a two of, as a solid sweeper option. One Shatterstorm for any artifact based decks, and three Duress to deal with combo or control.

  And here we have the end result:

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Mono White Visitation
« em: Abril 15, 2019, 12:02:12 am »
Ok, to tackle the first point, yes, you should cut one or two copies of Divine Visitation. Secondly, the big appeal to play tokens decks is to blank removal, not trade one for one with creatures, so cut some creatures. Or all of them. If you want to stick to mono-white, use your fun angel cards, and stay on roughly the same budget, I would suggest the following changes:

1 Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants - Four drop that is too slow and doesn't contribute to the overall strategy.
1 Elspeth Tirel - Five mana is just too slow for modern, but it's a good sideboard consideration for the deck.
2 Benalish Marshal - The anthem is nice, but there are better options.
2 Grand Abolisher - It's an alright hate bear, but doesn't do enough, especially if you're trying to blank removal. Not a bad sideboard consideration.
2 Leonin Warleader - Having a four drop that does nothing unless you get to untap with it on the battlefield is ambitious in modern.
2 Ministrant of Obligation - This is actually not bad, but I think we can get some better options in.
2 Divine Visitation - Five mana in modern, does nothing multiples.
2 Ixalan's Binding - Slow removal is slow.
4 Hunted Witness - Honestly the hardest cut, but if you want to commit to tokens, it's best to cut for more impactful cards.
2 Secure the Wastes - Only worth it if you dump a lot of mana into it; I would not suggest it as a 4-of.
3 Plains - Windbrisk Heights is pretty sexy.

Which comes to approximately $71~

3 Auriok Champion - Protection from relevant colours and lifegain on a two drop. Eats half our budget we recouped, but worth it.
4 Intangible Virtue - An anthem and it gives vigilance for two mana.
4 Spectral Procession - Three mana for three evasive bodies, it is worth it.
3 Windbrisk Heights - Helps you cheat out your four and five drops, and is a relevant turn one play.
4 Condemn - Only if you're on a budget. If you can upgrade to Path to Exile, do it.
3 Raise the Alarm - Still instant speed, and more mana efficient in the early game than Secure the Wastes
2 Midnight Haunting - It's a bad Lingering Souls, but it's instant speed.

Which saves us about $37 dollars. Which means you can shell out for some solid hate cards for your sideboard. =)

Though in all honesty, you're better off going b/w and getting access to discard, Lingering Souls, Sorin, Solemn Visitor, and additional removal options.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Budget Orzhov Sanguine Bond
« em: Abril 14, 2019, 11:14:18 pm »
Your mana curve is way too high for modern. You're going to lose a lot of games with a bunch of four and five drops stuck in your hand. You also don't really have a cohesive strategy. I would would consider either a more controlling shell (and you could use Sanguine Bond/Exquisite Blood combo for a win con), or moving to a more aggressive shell similar to a Martyr of Sands build.

Either way, I would highly consider adding some lands that generate both colours of mana, such as Concealed Courtyard, Isolated Chapel, Caves of Koilos, or Temple of Silence. Or just bite the bullet and get your copies of Godless Shrine while they're still being printed for standard.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Do you even mill?
« em: Novembro 06, 2018, 04:22:03 am »
Assuming there's some budget constraints here, as the deck looks quite casual. With that in mind, I do have a few suggestions. First just the major deck building issues.

1) Your curve is waaaay too high. Even on the kitchen table, I rarely expect to cast cmc 5+ cards. It will give you 11 more slots to work with. Cutting your four drops increases this number to 19.
2) Too many 2-ofs. If you want a card in a focused deck like mill, you generally want 3-4 copies of it.
3) You have no way to survive incoming aggression, aside from the two copies of Fog Bank.
4) Your mana source distribution isn't bad, but there are better budget lands than Dimir Aqueduct. Choked Estuary, Dismal Backwater, Sunken Hollow, Temple of Deceit, Fetid Pools, Field of Ruin and Underground River are all under $4 a copy. Drowned Catacomb will go down when it rotates from standard next year.

As for actual budget cards to look, there is quite a few solid options:

1) Jace's Phantasm will win a good chunk of games on its own as a 5/5 flyer. It is a great blocker and threat at one mana.
2) Manic scribe is kinda like a poor man's Hedron Crab. It mills three when it comes it, blocks, and can get some extra value over the course of a game.
3) Breaking // Entering is the closest thing you have to additional copies of Glimpse the Unthinkable. Milling 8 for two is pretty solid.
4) Crypt Incursion will help you survive against creature based decks, and it a bit of gy hate main for dredge decks.
5) Fraying Sanity is a bit worse without Mesmeric Orb or other mill to use on their turn, but is a good value card.
6) Bontu's Last Reckoning/Languish are pretty much your only budget options for a black sweeper in modern. I wouldn't run more than two maindeck, and would honestly go for the reckoning just to get rid of larger critters.
7) Hedron Crab, while a lot worse without fetchlands, still gets some good value. It's a little higher in price ($5-6) but still really good in the deck.
8) In the $5-10 area is Visions of Beyond, Shelldock Isle, Fatal Push, and Archive Trap.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Casual] Steam-Kin/Reveler
« em: Outubro 22, 2018, 12:01:04 am »
I dig the interaction between Experimental Frenzy and Runaway Steam-Kin. Have you considered running Zhalfirin Void or Spark Jolt to avoid the combo from fizzling? Manamorphose seems like a good way to help refuel, and 2-3 copies of Grapeshot/Empty the Warrens seems like a solid payoff for it.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Mono U Squelch Tempo
« em: Outubro 21, 2018, 11:48:09 pm »
A few things looking over your most recent list/last few posts:

- Only reason to run Mission Briefing over Snapcaster is budget. If you enjoy modern and blue, they're worth the investment.
- I don't think Spellskite adds a lot to the maindeck, since you're running 4 Thing in the Ice for walls early anyways.
- Your deck is threat light. Even RUG Delver in legacy runs 12 creatures and some bolts to close it out.
- Shadow of Doubt is a cute card, but adding the fourth Remand, some Repeal, or even Cryptic Command are other options that replace themselves without being so narrow.
- If you have them, adding copies of Mutavault is a good call as they come in untapped and are a better topdeck late than an Island.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Help with this -1/-1 mono black
« em: Outubro 21, 2018, 11:22:57 pm »
First, and probably most important, thing to note is that Infect creatures deal damage to creatures as -1/-1 counters, and tend to be much more efficient threats than the old Lorwyn block wither cards. And I do like Crumbling Ashes as a payoff card, but having four copies seems like waaaay since one in play is just as good as four.

If you're really worried about budget, and want to use discard as a control tool, I would suggest using a mono black build. You save money on cards like Choked Estuary, Glacial Fortress, and Spire of Industry that you can put to use in a more streamlined version of the deck. Shrieking Affliction is a solid addition to The Rack, Blackmail is a cheap one mana discard spell, and cards like Raven's Crime can turn late game lands into more discard. Also try to spring of Inquisition of Kozilek, as it's just a painless Thoughseize against the vast majority of decks in modern right now. =)

Deck Comments / Re: Bloodbraid blink - Comments
« em: Abril 15, 2018, 11:12:52 pm »
Blinking BBE does nothing; you actually have to cast it for cascade triggers, if that's what you're trying to do.

Deck Comments / Re: Slivers' assault - Comments
« em: Janeiro 31, 2018, 10:36:24 pm »
Both Sidewinder Sliver and Striking Sliver are better one drops, Sedge Sliver is something more likely to hit the board in modern than Sliver Legion, and Diffusion Sliver makes spot removal kinda terrible vs you. You could likely cut the fetch and shock lands to run Unclaimed Territory and Mutavaults. Natural State is a weird inclusion in a world with Harmonic Sliver and Necrotic Sliver.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Restore Balance on a budget!
« em: Maio 21, 2017, 11:04:57 pm »
I have never actually played the archetype, but I can think of a few upgrades off the top of my head that won't break the bank:

- Kiora, the Crashing Wave : gives you a little more of everything you want in this deck by blanking a bit of damage, digging for combo pieces, and can start spitting out 9/9s.
- Ricochet Trap : With two or three copies in the board it will help you fight through counterspells, by switching their target to the trap itself.
- Lingering Souls : In the board it gives you more chump blockers, pressure on opposing combo/control decks, and sac outlets for Greater Gargadon.
- Wear // Tear : Hits pesky targets that don't die to Restore Balance.
- Blood Moon : Not truly "budget", but it is much cheaper with the MM17 reprint, and I would take advantage of it while it's still low.

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