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Sujets - Zombo

Pages: [1]
In my last thread I mentioned, that we started using Proxies of cards we already own in our playgroup, to help with sleeving cards around, and keeping commander decks intact.
First of all I would like to mention, that I really like the feature, to set decks "active" and "inactive", so the deck builder knows if I have copies of those cards left.
But I have two problems with that feature:
  • The percentage summary is wrong IMHO. For example, I have a deck that shares about 30 cards with another deck. Both decks are set to active. The summary tells me, I only own 66% of the cards. Which is not correct. I own a 100% of those cards, but only 66% are available at the moment.
  • This is also mentioned in the decks summary.
I would like to see, that the feature shows me two percentage summaries:
  • The percentage of cards I own.
  • The percentage of cards available.
Otherwise I'm always irritated, that I have to buy singles, which is not true.

Additionally, as you are already implementing a "mark as proxy" feature, it might be important to account this into to overall calculation? I'm not sure, how that might be done, yet. Maybe we can discuss this together.

As I'm tired of ripping existing decks apart, each time I brew a new commander deck, we allowed proxies of cards we own in our play group.
So as of now, I'm maintaining an Excel sheet where I keep track of where my original cards are used, and in which decks a proxy is used.
Now I ask myself, as I'm already managing my whole collection and decks here at deckstats, if it would be possible to mark proxies in the deck builder.
I have two ideas:
  • We could make use of the card override feature, to add an additional property, to mark a card as a proxy
  • Or you could add a checkbox to the card details itself, similiar to the existing checkboxes for "Commander" and "Foil"
Let me know what you think!

I have many commander decks, that share staples in between them. So while I'm brewing a deck, I start searching for cards, I've used in other decks before. Now deckstats has this really cool feature, to search for each deck that contains a specific card from your collection, by clicking on that little magnifying glass behind the card's name in the collection viewer.
What I would like to see, is the same magnifying glass feature in the deck builder, that only appears only, when you hover with the mouse over it.
(Because it annoys me, that I have to switch into the collection every time I search a card for the deck that I'm currently building.)
Let me know what you think!

In my deckstats collection, I've started using the card's comment field, to enter the name of the binder, where I can find a card. I use that for when I'm building a new deck, to track down that specific card even faster.
Now sometimes I have the need the move whole parts of my collection between binders, and then I would like to find all cards of my collection, that have a comment "Binder 1" to change that comment to "Binder 2".

AFAIK you can't search for cards comments at the moment. Or did I miss that features? If not, is there a reason not to add it, because searching the comments would be to expensive performance wise, or was there just no need for it, yet?

Ps.: I'm open to suggestions to better mark which card is in which folder at the moment, instead of the comment feature.

Hi! Since a few weeks, when I open my collection here on, it always opens with a graphical view called "images", instead of the good old table view. So far so good, besides that I personally, don't like that view. No problem, others sure like it. But regardless how often I switch back to the table view, the next time I open my collection, it's back to the graphical view, which is slightly annoying.

Any chance you can add an option to the settings, where I can set my default viewing preferences, like I can already set my other default preferences (called Deck defaults)?

Thanks for the great website!

Importing cards to the collection with a CSV file, doesn't populate the "Date added" filed.
Just today I started using Helvault to continue the work on digitalising my collection, as I noticed, that when I import a CSV file, the property of the card called "date added" stays empty.
Is this by design or a bug?

Deckstats Feedback / Mass Update doesn't work for me
« le: Septembre 09, 2021, 09:05:30 pm »
Hi! Came back after quite some time to Magic, but still love this site. Awesome work!

I wanted to import some new pre-cons to my collection, which I always do, by creating a deck first. I tune it, check every card twice, set the language, set the Edition, set the condition etc.
Only after I'm finished, I import the deck with all its properties into my (deckstats) collection manager.
Here comes my problem: When I select 2 or 99 cards, and I want to mass update the Edition, I can't hit apply. The button just doesn't work. I checked on Edge and Firefox, still might be a problem on my side, but I thought it's worth to ask!
I made a video to show exactly what's not working. The link will be valid for 30 days:

Thanks for the brilliant collection manager!

A few weeks ago, I made a feature request to alter the CSV import to make it compatible for Snapcardster which in the meantime was renamed to,44017.0.html
Today I discovered, that they changed the Export feature to a new format, which has less information and "Spaces" instead of "Commas" as a delimiter.
1 Arlinn's Wolf (WAR) 151
1 Band Together (WAR) 153
I couldn't find a way, to convert the Space delimiter to a comma delimiter, as many Magic card names consist of two words, yet.

Instead I found out that your "Import Card List" feature works out of the box with the new format. Sadly this feature lacks the possibility to mass import the attributes Language and Quality and Foil.

Is there a way, we might alter the Import to work this way? Example:
1 Arlinn's Wolf (WAR) 151 DE NM !Foil
1 Band Together (WAR) 153 DE NM
Than I could write a PowerShell FOR-Loop or Notepad++ Macro to alter the Exported list, and prepare it for an import at deckstats.

Let me know what you think!

Deckstats Feedback / Feature Request: Import CSV from Snapcardster
« le: Mars 04, 2019, 10:11:51 pm »
Could you please add a feature to import Deck lists and/or directly to collection from Snapcardster? Currently I convert the files via PowerShell.
Example (yes, the typo is really there):
1,Wood Elves,CMA,,,,,
Convert Code to deckstats:
Supported columns:
    card_name or Name: The card name (required)
    amount or Count: The amount
    set_code: Three-letter abbreviation of the set (eg. LEA, UST)
    language: Two-letter language code (eg. EN, DE, ES)
    condition: One/two-letter condition code (eg. NM, MP, DM)
    is_foil or Foil: Should contain a 1 if the card is foil, empty otherwise
    is_pinned: Should contain a 1 if the card is pinned, empty otherwise
    comment: A comment/notes about the card

# File path variables
$source = "C:\import.txt"
$cache = "${env:temp}\temp.csv"
$target = "C:\deckstats.csv"

# CSV column layout for Deckstats
$Header = 'Count', 'Name', 'set_code', 'Foil', 'Alter', 'Signed', 'condition', 'language'

# Readin Source file from Snapcardster
$raw = Get-Content -Path $source

# Delete CSV Header Layout from Snapcardster
$raw = $raw[1..($raw.Count - 1)]

# Cache modified results in a temp file
$raw | Out-File -FilePath $cache -Force

# Readin modified file as CSV and force new columns for deckstats
$collection = Import-Csv -Path $cache -Header $Header

# Optional: Add missing information about the cards
foreach ($card in $collection) {
    $card.Condition = "NM"
    $card.language = "EN"

# Show the results on the command line
$collection | Format-Table

$collection | Select-Object * | Export-Csv -Path $target -NoTypeInformation

Deckstats Feedback / Importing Decks to collection ignores Sideboard
« le: Septembre 15, 2018, 12:08:40 pm »
Hello! I've chosen deckstats to be the home of my digital collection. :)
I started by creating a deck and then used the button "import to collection". But I'm missing cards from the corresponding sideboard.
Is this a bug or is this my intention?
Or should I start in a whole different manner?

Thanks for clarifying!

Wie der Titel sagt, habe ich mir durch ein dummes versehen mit einer neuen Revision mein Deck zerschossen (eine komplette Kategorie weg)
Ich bin also in die Eigenschaften der vorherigen Revision gegangen und habe, dort weitergearbeitet. Haben dann das Deck gespeichert, dieses taucht aber in meinem Profil jetzt als neues Deck, statt einer weiteren Revision auf. Jetzt habe ich natürlich keine sauberen Verlauf mehr, sondern einer einen "Fork" einer alten Revision. Kann ich das irgendwie verhindern?

ich hatte eine Liste mit Karten, die ich mir noch zukaufen wollte. Während der Planung hatte ich die Sortierung dann mal auf "Type extended" umgestellt. Alle Karten meiner noch zu kaufen Kategorie waren dann verschwunden. Zum Glück hatte ich von jeder Änderung eine Revision. Ist das Absicht oder mache bzw. verstehe ich hier was falsch?




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