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Mensajes - TheWakaEmu117

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Deck Reviews / [Brawl] B/W Legendary brawlers
« en: Octubre 21, 2018, 10:59:18 pm »
B/W Legendary brawlers

Play a lot of legendarys and kill the opponent. Cool synergy with primeval glorious rebirth.

Deck Reviews / [Brawl] Black/White vampire tribal
« en: Octubre 21, 2018, 10:36:04 pm »
Black/White vampire tribal

Same as any tribal deck no particular combos just go wide and beat face

Deck Reviews / Urzas self assembling robots
« en: Octubre 21, 2018, 10:04:51 pm »
Urzas self assembling robots

Combo with self replicator and from lands to create a bunch of self assembling robots

Deck Reviews / Red/Black pauper burn
« en: Octubre 20, 2018, 10:55:36 pm »
Red/Black pauper burn

Same as mono red burn with some spice of black

Deck Comments / Re: jeskai tempo - Comments
« en: Octubre 20, 2018, 10:33:58 pm »
I would suggest cutting a few spells or making some of them 4 ofs for consistency, also something like monastery swiftspear for more early creatures to attack with. Maybe even young pyromancer. I would also add a couple of bedlam revelers with the amount of early spells you will be casting, reveler shouldn’t cost more than 3 max. Also jeskai ascendency is a house and is really powerful however it will slow you down a bit but it may be worth it. Personally I love jeskai brews like this and your deck seems legit. It just needs a bit more oomph to finish off games quickly.

Mostly Draft Chaff Standard/Arena deck

Just an idea I had while drafting on draftsim what if I had all these cards what decks could I build. This also seems semi playable on arena. I love building decks out of chaff so I might do a few of these.

Deck Reviews / [Modern] Collective Undead
« en: Septiembre 12, 2018, 07:16:57 pm »
Collective Undead

Its a zombie collected company deck. pretty simple curve out with zombies and then collective company for more zombies/lords and go for the kill.

The best standard decks always float around at $200-300, Mono red has been an acception at like $150 and I think that you can play standard on a competative level for less that $100 if you want to although I think that shock lands are one of the most worth while investments to buy into if you are a player. After this they will all be hovering around $7-12 and be easy to pick up and they are critical for modern to. I don't think you have to much to worry about unless fetches get printed which I don't think they will not while all 10 shocks are in standard. that would make playing standard as expensive as modern is. Even the most played rares in standard are little more that $15, mythics tend to be much more expensive. I think standard price will probably float at about the same level it has it might go up a bit more but not to much.

General Magic / Re: How has your play style changed over time?
« en: Septiembre 03, 2018, 11:23:52 pm »
I started out playiny the elspeth duel deck that was a mono white solider token deck. to playing a mono black kill deck that was just like 4 murder, 4 terror, 4 doom blade, and a couple other kill spells with like overlord of the damned as a win con, then after that it was like blue red spells. Now I think I like playing fun spell based decks or aggro, although I do like playing control it is fun. I find that I like playing a vareity of decks, but I love synergy that is all ways fun. I dunno I went from playing murder and raise the alarm to playing thermo alchemist and counterspell. also monastery mentor that card is busted for sure i love that card.

General Magic / Re: A Casual Among Tryhards
« en: Agosto 28, 2018, 06:27:41 am »
So I haven’t had an experience like this at my LGS luckily but I know I probably will have a similar experience in the future. I think that a reasonable way to handle this if you go to a new LGS and introduce yourself as some one who is a casual player but knows the game well and is just looking to for a group of people to play with you might get a better response. For me that is the scary part. I don’t play a whole lot at my LGS just because the one I like to go to is a bit farther than the closer one, the closer one I don’t know anybody there but I buy cards there occasionally because it is the same store owner as the other. But I know that the further one I am always welcome and the staff recognize me. If even being polite doesn’t work and they are just assholes the screw them and screw the store they should do a better job of being welcoming. Just because an LGS has a super tight player clique doesn’t mean that the staff can be welcoming and help bring in new people and get them playing too. What I did was I taught my dad and my best friend how to play and we play commander and causally together all the time. I have like 3 or 4 other friends who also play and they play with us occasionally. If not you may have to travel a bit further to find a better LGS with a friendlier community

sgm is more of a casual card in like weird edh burn decks to double your damage. it has its place in a select few decks.  also it goes infinite with time walk in vintage

but you do make a very good point and it does get cut from a lot of lists sadly.

General Magic / Pauper side boards
« en: Agosto 16, 2018, 11:19:07 pm »
So I love playing pauper online and and I kinda built my own pauper burn deck but the list is almost identical to a lot of other pauper burn decks but its a fun deck so i don't really mind. However i net decked the side board because I didn't really know what to do.
here is my list

The side board however is really kinda bad its built to beat tron, blue decks, affinity, and elves. But the deck I play most against is mono black decks either control, gary devotion decks, aristocrats, or other stuff.
now for the most part my match up against mono black decks is pretty good I usually out pace them really quickly even with the couple of set up turns I need to play archer and thermo. Maybe I don't need to have side board pieces for mono black but this board feels very clogged and not particularly versatile.

But it does feel really good when you electrickery a whole board of elves and or tokens

Deck Reviews / Re: [Pauper] Pauper Burn
« en: Agosto 16, 2018, 11:07:34 pm »

Revision 3

Added/removed cards:
-4 Searing Blaze
+3 Viashino Pyromancer

Changed amounts:
+1 Forgotten Cave

sgm is good in some edh decks, boros sunspeaker it never gets cut there but yeah in other formats its kinda eh

I like guttersnipe in a casual like burn/storm deck where u play stuff like thermo alchemist fire brand archer guttersnipe and tones of burn and draw spells

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